Spanish Grammar: Imperfect Past Tense with Regular [-IR] Verbs

… Identify Spanish Grammar: Imperfect Regular [-IR] Verbs la gramática española: verbos regulares [-ir] en el imperfecto Expresses a variety of actions occurring in the past. Properly frame a story and express ongoing or recurring actions. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: The Imperfect Past Tense – Basics … 60-Second Spanish Grammar Lesson Coming Soon! … Study […]

Folium: How to Teach Yourself To Do Hard Things via Lifehacker

Folium: How to Teach Yourself To Do Hard Things via Lifehacker

… Connect: Lifehacker: How to Teach Yourself To Do Hard Things … Life is hard… … There, I said it. Someone had to, right? Doesn’t it seem like sometimes there are people in this world who make hard things look easy? Don’t you wish you could be those people?  Was the hard task they accomplished […]

Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – Warnings and Advisories

… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – Warnings and Advisories el vocabulario español: la salud – las advertencias Common warning signs and instructions for safety. Inform clients and staff of possible dangers. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study abierto : open El restaurante está abierto. The restaurant is open. la advertencia : warning Es una advertencia. […]

Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – Ailments and Symptoms

… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – Ailments and Symptoms el vocabulario español: la salud – las enfermedades y los síntomas Identify the effects of being sick or wounded. Communicate conditions with medical professionals. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study la ampolla : blister Hay una ampolla en el tobillo. […]

Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – Diagnostic Procedures

… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – Diagnostic Procedures el vocabulario español: la salud – los procedimientos diagnósticos Assess the causes of being sick or wounded. Name conditions and communicate with medical professionals. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study el análisis de orina : urinalysis Hay una copa para el […]

Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – Professions and Titles

… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – Professions and Titles el vocabulario español: la salud – las profesiones médicas Stay informed in emergency conditions. Contact appropriate medical professionals. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study el anestesiólogo / la anestesióloga : anesthesiologist Tengo que hablar con el anestesiólogo. I have to speak with the anesthesiologist. […]

Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – Treatment Options

… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – Treatment Options el vocabulario español: la salud – las opciones de tratamiento Identify and apply basic medical treatments Communicate and assist with medical professionals. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study la almohadilla térmica : heating pad Ella trae la almohadilla térmica. She is bringing the heating pad. […]

Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – Human Resources

… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – Human Resources el vocabulario español: la salud – los recursos humanos Manage human resources responsibilities. Organize medical professionals in your business. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study los beneficios : benefits Los beneficios son buenos aquí. The benefits are good here. el contrato : contract Nosotros tenemos un contrato. […]

Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – Common Actions

… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – Common Actions el vocabulario español: la salud – las acciones comunes Identify and apply basic medical treatments Communicate and assist with medical professionals. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Verb Conjugation – Basics … Study aconsejar : to advise Ella aconseja el paciente. She advises the patient. administrar : to administrate […]

Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – General Supplies

… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Health Care Studies – General Supplies el vocabulario español: la salud – los suministros generales Identify and utilize basic medical supplies. Communicate and assist with medical professionals. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study la aguja : needles Las agujas están en la caja. The needles are in the […]