Spanish Vocabulary: Horticulture – Common Tools

… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Horticulture – Common Tools el vocabulario español: la horticultura – las herramientas comunes Growing plants requires utilizing a common set of tools. Learn how to cultivate plant life with the appropriate tools. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study la cavadora : digger La cavadora es grande. The […]

Instructional Resources: The LEAF Project Guide

… The LEAF Project Video Guide …

Folium: “Make It Count” via YouTube / Nike

Folium: “Make It Count” via YouTube / Nike There are times when I waffle about posting media that rides the line between “educational inspiration” or “marketing fluff”. I want to post things with substance, enough to actually show people something new and impressionable. Perhaps this stems from the part of me that is determined to […]

Folium: LEAF News – 17 May 2012

So, you’re actually reading this huh? I’m sorry … Here’s what new with LEAF! On January 1st, 2012 we launched LEAF! We added a ton of little things like random Spanish vocabulary lessons, trabalenguas, and other things across the internet that we thought was pretty cool. I guess the original thought was to make a […]

Category: Sylvae, Terra: Phototravel · Tags: , ,

Folium Baby Sign

Folium: Baby Sign Language – Deaf Babbling …

Folium: Baby Sign Language – Deaf Babbling … The ability to listen, comprehend, process, and then formulate and articulate language as a form of personal expression is an incredible thing. There are countless studies about the process of learning languages in our infancy, and how we grow in our ability to communicate. I don’t read […]

Folium: APOD – Flying Over the Earth at Night

Folium – APOD: 2012 March 5 – Flying Over the Earth at Night This post isn’t so much about languages as it is about perspective. Too many people live the same kind of life. They are born in a certain place. They live and play in or near that place. They go to school in that […]

Folium: Bambucicleta – Bicicletas de Bambú

Folium: Bambucicleta – Bicicletas de Bambú This website flew across my desk a few days ago, and I really didn’t pay it much attention until the name drew my eyes in. “Bambucicleta”, a play of bambú (bamboo) and bicicleta (bicycle), is an Argentinian company that manufactures bicycles out of sustainable bamboo. So, just wrap your brains […]

Spanish Vocabulary: Medical – Obstetrics

… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Medical – Obstetrics el vocabulario español: médico – la obstetricia Basic terms and procedures in an obstetrics clinic. Communicate and assist with medical professionals. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study el aborto : abortion Nosotros discutimos el aborto. We talked about the abortion. el aparato intrauterino : I.U.D. El aparato […]

Folium: Mayan Pyramid Fires Energy Beam Into the Sky or iPhone Sensor Glitch?

Mayan Pyramid Fires Energy Beam Into the Sky or iPhone Sensor Glitch via This being the year 2012, everyone is abuzz with the impending end of the world. (Thanks Mel Gibson… or Perhaps Snooki?) However, like many urban legends, there is a grain of truth to the craziness that merits further explanation. The Mayan […]

Spanish Grammar: Verb Conjugation – Basics

… Identify Spanish Grammar: Verb Conjugation – Basics la gramática española: la conjugación de los verbos – los básicos Indicates action in a sentence. Attribute actions to someone or something. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Personal Pronouns … 60-Second Spanish Grammar Lesson … Study Infinitive verbs are verbs that are unchanged. They are in their most basic […]