French Vocabulary: Insects
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Insects le vocabulaire français: les insectes You can’t escape from bugs all over the world! Study: une abeille : bee Les abeilles font le miel. Bees make honey. une araignée: spider Je n’aime pas les araignées. I don’t like spiders. un cafard : cockroach Nous tuons tous les cafards. We are […]
French Vocabulary: Birds
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Birds le vocabulaire français: les oiseaux There are birds all over the world. Learn the French words for some of them! Study: un aigle : eagle Les aigles mangent beaucoup de poisson. Eagles eat a lot of fish. une aile : wing (of a bird) L’oiseau bat ses ailes. The bird […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Horticulture – Common Tasks
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Horticulture – Common Tasks el vocabulario español: la horticultura – las tareas comunes Horticultural tasks are the actions taken to help plants grow. Communicate and work with growers on a global scale. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study atar : to tie El ata el vid. He ties […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Horticulture – Places Around Town
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Horticulture – Places Around Town el vocabulario español: la horticultura – los lugares del pueblo Essential for task-based navigation. Quickly find basic horticultural services and resources. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study el almacén : warehouse Las botellas están en el almacén. The bottles are in the warehouse. el campo […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Horticulture – Professions and Titles
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Horticulture – Professions and Titles el vocabulario español: la horticultura – las profesiones y los títulos Horticulturalists are the people who help plants grow. Identify and communicate with growers on a global scale. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study agricultor(a) : agriculturalist (farmer) El agricultor conoce la tierra. […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Horticulture – Common Tools
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Horticulture – Common Tools el vocabulario español: la horticultura – las herramientas comunes Growing plants requires utilizing a common set of tools. Learn how to cultivate plant life with the appropriate tools. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study la cavadora : digger La cavadora es grande. The […]
French Grammar: Imperatives – Basics
… Identify: French Grammar: Imperatives – Basics la grammaire française: les impératifs – une introduction Study: Imperatives (commands) are words that are used to give instructions, or to ask or tell a person to do (or not do) something. If you want to be able to tell someone how or what to do (or not […]
French Grammar: The Adverbial Pronoun [Y]
Identify: French Grammar: The Adverbial Pronoun [Y] la grammaire française: le pronom adverbial [Y] The adverbial pronoun “y” is used to refer to places or things (but never to people!) that have already been mentioned. It often means “there”. “Y” is pronounced like the French letter “i” (like the sound ‘ee’ in the English word […]
French Grammar: The Adverbial Pronoun [EN]
Identify: French Grammar: The Adverbial Pronoun [EN] la grammaire française: le pronom adverbial [EN] The adverbial pronoun “en” is used to refer to previously mentioned nouns (i.e., things, places, or people) or infinitives preceded by a form of the preposition “de”. Depending on context, the pronoun “en” can mean about it, about them, from it, […]
French Grammar: Prepositions with Geographical Place Names
… Identify: French Grammar: Prepositions with Geographical Place Names la grammaire française: les prépositions avec les noms de lieux géographiques In French, both the type of geographical place and the gender of that place dictate how to translate the words ‘in’ and ‘to’! Study: In French, when the name of a continent, country, or region […]
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