Folium: If You Love Your Child, Send Them Away. Far, Far Away via HuffPost
… Connect HuffPost: If You Love Your Child, Send Them Away. Far, Far Away … “See ya mom and dad! I’m going to France! ” coming from the mouth of a twelve year old could be a parent’s worse nightmare. Kristin Bigelow heard those very words from her 12 year old daughter after she had […]

Folium: How America Can Get Her Bilingual Groove Back via Huffington Post
… Connect How America Can Get Her Bilingual Groove Back via Huffington Post … I’d like to think that the language barrier in the United States could be broken simply by saying “hello”, but which “hello” do we say? In the United States, “We the people” come from a variety of language backgrounds. Our ancestors […]

Folium: 6 Multilingual Benefits via HuffPost
Folium: 6 Multilingual Benefits via HuffPost I have been a foreign language teacher for 15 years and the complaint that many of my middle and high school students have is “Why do we have to take this class?” I always share with them that taking a foreign language can help you with your other classes […]

Folium: Food From Around The World via The Huffington Post
Folium: Food From Around the World via The Huffington Post In 2012 Michelle Obama introduced legislation that would revise public school lunches in an effort to bring America’s children back to healthy living and eating habits. The legislation called for more fruits and veggies, less sodium and fats, and a calorie limit for each meal. […]