Folium: Spanish Researchers to Train FIFA Referees With 3D Technology via Engadget
(Image via Element Technica) Folium: Spanish Researchers to Train FIFA Referees With 3D Technology via Engadget Did you know that in Europe, “soccer” is called “futból”? Now… can we never state the obvious again? We all know… On the other hand, are you familiar with FIFA? This one might be a little more specific, and […]

Folium: “Kinect” Sign Language and the Intersection of Technology and Communication via Engadget
Folium: “Kinect” Sign Language and the Intersection of Technology and Communication via Engadget While definitely not the first Folium post on the intersection of sign language and technology, this demonstrates some of the more accessible roads to applying practical technology that is already available in the consumer market. And utilizing technology that people already have […]

Folium: Wearable, Robotic, Sign Language Translator via Engadget
Folium: Wearable, Robotic, Sign Language Translator via Engadget For most schools, the study of modern languages and cultures is usually split between humanities and social science departments. These are areas that are all about the people and their cultural productions. They create observations, case studies, literary analysis, and historical accounts. Rarely, if never, do these […]