Folium: Duolingo, Translate the Internet!
Folium: Duolingo, Translate the Internet! Most students and teachers would never dream of saying that learning a language is simple. In fact, many will tell you that the process can be arduous and intimidating at times. Though the outcome is greatly beneficial, the lectures, the homework, and the speaking tasks have all been known to […]

Folium: The Inner Workings of Google Translate via Engadget.com
Google gives us some insight on the inner workings of Google Translate via Engadget You darn kids with your iPods and your Facebooks and the Twitters … All this technology doesn’t grow on trees y’know! Did you know that Google can translate stuff? And that they’re pretty darned good at it too! In fact, Google […]

Folium: The Get More Out of Google Infographic Summarizes Online Research Tricks for Students via Lifehacker.com
The Get More Out of Google Infographic Summarizes Online Research Tricks for Students via Lifehacker.com The people over at HackCollege put together a great infographic detailing the finer points of Googling. Normally, most academics shudder at the thought of students blindly Googling topics, but this guide teaches us how Google is a far more powerful […]

Folium: BBC News – Digital tools ‘to save languages’
Folium: Digital Tools To Save Languages Languages are living things. They live, they adapt, and they change at a constant pace. Languages also die, and the danger in letting languages die is the perspective that dies with it. I’ve mentioned how language is a perspective on life and how our words shape how we shape […]
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