Folium: Texting is Killing Language? via TED
Folium: Texting is Killing Language? via TED FYI: A new language is developing among our youth, and many of us, unsurprisingly, are vehemently against it. As a woman who prides herself in grammatical accuracy and a decent vocabulary it would seem appropriate that I would be left with a bitter taste in my mouth after […]

Folium: Let’s Use Video to Reinvent Education via TED
Folium: Let’s Use Video to Reinvent Education via TED Now here is an idea worth sharing! Salman Khan, the creator of the online Khan Academy, speaks in this TED Talk about how and why he believes the traditional school agenda should be flipped completely upside down with the help of technology. We all know that […]

Folium: The Perks of Being Blind via YouTube
Folium: The Perks of Being Blind via YouTube LEAF likes to highlight the awe inspiring diversity of the human race in order to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and get out to experience the rest of the world. We hope, for everyone’s sake, you can learn some things on the way and, rather […]

Folium: Duolingo, Translate the Internet!
Folium: Duolingo, Translate the Internet! Most students and teachers would never dream of saying that learning a language is simple. In fact, many will tell you that the process can be arduous and intimidating at times. Though the outcome is greatly beneficial, the lectures, the homework, and the speaking tasks have all been known to […]

Folium: The Longest Word in the English Language via Gizmodo
Folium: The Longest Word in the English Language via Gizmodo We have often discussed on Folium the “flexibility” of the English language, and this is just another example of just how far the rules of language can be pushed (which, to find out, is pretty far). The adaptability of English tends to be a two-edged […]

Folium: Language as a Window into Human Nature via RSA Animate
Folium: Language as a Window into Human Nature via RSA Animate Steven Pinker is a Harvard College Professor who conducts research regarding language and cognition. He has published seven books and has recently been a presenter for the nonprofit organization TED, which is devoted to “ideas worth sharing” from the realms of technology, entertainment, and design. (If you’ve […]

Folium: Timelapse Barcelona via Vimeo
Folium: Timelapse Barcelona via Vimeo I’ll admit it, there are lessons that I want people to learn from these Folium posts. In fact, the whole point of founding The LEAF Project is to educate and inform people about the benefits and advantages of learning about language, travel, and culture. However, I feel like some posts […]

Folium: The History of The English Language via YouTube
Folium: The History of The English Language via YouTube Here at LEAF, we tend to discuss the benefits of learning foreign languages from the perspective of the reasonably curious monolingual American. It’s the point of view that suits us best, but offers us little room to take a good long look at ourselves. So, what […]
French Video: Education – L’université de Bourgogne en images et en chiffres
French Video: Education – L’université de Bourgogne en images et en chiffres via http://youtu.be/VVMfEj-97fk Questions: TBA The LEAF Project www.leaflanguages.org Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0

Folium: How Video Game Cover Art Changes Around The World via IGN.com
Folium: How Video Game Cover Art Changes Around The World via IGN.com This week, in between overhauling the design of the site and editing old posts, I’ve been fully immersed in the world of Diablo III (as long as the login servers stay up). Video games now account for an insane amount of money, and […]