Terra: The Most Splendid Orchestra – Nice, France
I tighten my grip on my friend’s sleeve as we make our way through a busy city square in Nice. The square is not busy with honking cars and hissing buses, but people- laughing, toasting, and getting ready to celebrate the New Year. Although we’ve been advised to pay close attention so we don’t lose […]
French Vocabulary: Months of the Year
Identify: French Vocabulary: Months of the Year le vocabulaire français: les mois de l’année Learning about the months of the year (les mois de l’année) will help you plan for future events! Knowing the months of the year is also vital for business appointments, taking classes, and holidays and celebrations! Study: Learning about the months of the […]
Spanish Vocabulary: The New Year
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: The New Year el vocabulario español: la nochevieja y el año nuevo Words and phrases used to celebrate The New Year. Celebrate events with people all around the world. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study la nochevieja : New Year’s Eve el año nuevo : New Year’s Day el brindis […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Months of the Year
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Months of the Year el vocabulario español: los meses del año Name the twelve months in a calendar year. Identify actions in the past, present, or future. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: The Verb [SER] – Basics … Study Learning about the months of the year (los meses del año) will […]
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