Folium: Why Studying Abroad Is Worth the Expense via
Folium: Why Studying Abroad Is Worth the Expense!
Here at Finger Lakes Community College we are in the process of changing the language of our current “travel courses” to instead say “study abroad” courses. The idea behind this shift being that study abroad courses should be expressed as just that. There’s a big difference between traveling to a country and actually studying it! Study abroad is not, nor should it ever be tourism.
And this is where this infographic comes into play. I spend a great deal of my time and energy explaining to my students how studying abroad is one of the greatest investments a student could make in their academic career. And I emphasize that word, investment. It is the chance to make your talents and skills unique through the process of travel.
A good study abroad program (note the qualifier, good) will give students the opportunity to not only learn new languages and cultures but will grant students the opportunity to enhance their perspectives in any field of study. Students can return knowing that there’s more to this world than they previously thought. Engineers can be better engineers, scientists can be better scientists, and so on. The best way to participate in a global economy is to actually become global yourself!
In short, I have yet to meet any student who has been excluded from any academic or employment opportunity because they chose to study abroad. It’s the reason why I’m where I am today!